Sunday, April 12, 2009

Fantastic Easter egg art

How do you celebrate Easter? In my country we celebrate Easter in church when after the mass (which is almost sunday midnight) there will be a play portraying the descend of angels from heaven to remove Mary of Nazareth's mourn veil and to welcome Christ's resurrection. In my dialect, we call it "Sugat" or Meet. I once portrayed one of the choir angels when I was 11. lol.

In most part of the world, the Easter egg and the Easter bunny is more popular than the angels on Easter Sunday. How did the bunny lay eggs? And what's with the egg? The egg has been the symbol of fertility and rebirth and it was believed that every life form is born from an egg. Egg decoration was practiced by ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Romans, and Persians to enthusiastically celebrate and welcome the coming or the rebirth of life, hence Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. And the bunny? Because they are known to be the most fertile animals.

And so, Easter egg decoration has become a serious art, really serious art:

Franc Grom egg shell art.

In Croatia, their intricately painted giant Easter eggs is slowly earning global fame, it's even touring!

Awesome American States Easter Eggs from Damn Cool Pics:

And the Eggstravagant Easter eggs. See Reuters' video.

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